Motivate with Links of Dhamma
Use this easy technique to motivate yourself to stick with your reading practice even when it is difficult or inconvenient.
Use this easy technique to motivate yourself to stick with your reading practice even when it is difficult or inconvenient.
You’ve probably heard of walking meditation. And we know reading the suttas is meditative. So why not do the two together? If you have a safe place to walk unobstructed, try doing your sutta reading practice while walking. It has lots of benefits: Helps to overcome drowsiness. Can keep you focused on the text. It … Read more
One by one, little by little,moment by moment,a wise man should remove his own impuritiesas a smith removes the dross from silver. Dhammapada verse 239Translated by Acharya Buddharakkhita One of the ways the suttas come alive is by working to overcome specific unwholesome character traits. For example, when we make a wholehearted commitment to examine … Read more
If you have an interest in learning what the Blessed One taught and you can devote 20–30 minutes to daily sutta reading practice, the Majjhima Nikaya will be an excellent text with which to work. It is especially suitable for people with an interest in applying the teaching to their lives, either through meditation or … Read more
When is the best time to do your sutta practice? It will probably be different for everyone, but here are some suggestions. You may want to first decide how much time you will need to spend each day. Schedule a regular time Try and find a time that will work every day or almost every … Read more
When deciding how long to commit to practicing each day, it is important to remember that there is value whatever time you spend reading suttas each day. The effectiveness comes in having the right attitude and consistent daily contact with the teachings. Even if you were only to read a single verse from the Dhammapada … Read more
If you have a strong commitment and the proper attitude, it doesn’t matter so much what text you choose to work with. While you are beginning to develop the proper attitude and commitment, you may want to take the following into consideration. See which section describes your experience. When you decide what to read, increase … Read more
Non-repetition is the bane of scriptures; neglect is the bane of a home; slovenliness is the bane of personal appearance, and heedlessness is the bane of a guard. Dhp 241, translated by Achariya Buddharakhitta Coming to the end of your first book of suttas will likely give you a sense of accomplishment. In fact, you … Read more
Many people will have the urge to take notes while they are doing their sutta practice. This is not surprising. All our time in school is spent taking notes so we can do well on the test later. If you have especially strong connections between reading and collecting facts, with a sutta practice it is … Read more
The logistics of a sutta practice are fairly straightforward. Choose a text and read some of it every day. Here you will find more specific suggestions for the basic aspects of a sutta practice.