Walking Sutta Reading Practice

You’ve probably heard of walking meditation. And we know reading the suttas is meditative. So why not do the two together?


If you have a safe place to walk unobstructed, try doing your sutta reading practice while walking. It has lots of benefits:

  • Helps to overcome drowsiness.
  • Can keep you focused on the text.
  • It makes it more difficult to take notes if you find this a compulsive but unbeneficial habit.
  • Can be easily done outside.
  • If you are a student or any one who works at a desk, walking and reading may be seen as a welcome change of pace from your usual work.
  • It puts your reading practice into a new context.
  • When you have finished reading your text for the day, you can continue to do contemplation while walking.


  • Find an area free from distractions and dangers.
  • Pick a set path, don’t just wander around the house or yard. Back and forth, back and forth.


  • Make absolutely sure that your walking path is clear both on the ground and near your head


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