This is a complete audio recording of the Dhammapada translated by Ven. Buddharakkhita. You can download a print and ebook version here. If you want to use the audio recordings for a Dhammapada Per Day Practice, you may want to download the Khuddakanikaya checklist.
Here is a sample of the first track, Yamaka Vagga: Pairs
Download individual files below. You may need to right click and and select save link.
- Chapter 1. Yamakavagga
- Chapter 2. Appamadavagga
- Chapter 3. Cittavagga
- Chapter 4. Pupphavagga
- Chapter 5. Balavagga
- Chapter 6. Panditavagga
- Chapter 7. Arahantavagga
- Chapter 8. Sahassavagga
- Chapter 9. Papavagga
- Chapter 10. Dandavagga
- Chapter 11. Jaravagga
- Chapter 12. Attavagga
- Chapter 13. Lokavagga
- Chapter 14. Buddhavagga
- Chapter 15. Sukhavagga
- Chapter 16. Piyavagga
- Chapter 17. Kodhavagga
- Chapter 18. Malavagga
- Chapter 19. Dhammatthavagga
- Chapter 20. Maggavagga
- Chapter 21. Pakinnakavagga
- Chapter 22. Nirayavagga
- Chapter 23. Nagavagga
- Chapter 24. Tanhavagga
- Chapter 25. Bhikkhuvagga
- Chapter 26. Brahmanavagga
- Dhammapada As a Daily Practice
- Listening Faithfully:Audio Book Sutta Reading from the Pali Canon
- Dhammapada: The Buddha’s Path of Wisdom, Translated by Acharya Buddharakkhita, Kindle, Epub, PDF
- Dhammapada: Translated by Ven. Narada, PDF, Mobi/Kindle, Epub
- Buddhist Legends: Dhammapada Origin Stories, translated by E. W. Burlingame, Kindle ebook