In 2023 SuttaCentral.net started offering a variety of formats of their translations for download as well as print on demand. To get these translations, please visit the Udāna Editions page on their website. For now they do not offer Pali-English as ebooks, so please make use of the editions below.
The Udāna is a collection of 80 suttas that each present a situation the Buddha observed and responded to with a short inspiration of Dhamma. Most suttas are quite short with a scattering of longer stories. This collection is great for a one-sutta-per-day reading practice.
Pali & English
This Pali-English edition was created from the March 2023 version of the SuttaCentral.net website.
English only
This English edition was created from the April 2022 version of the SuttaCentral.net website.
You can find links to all of the ebooks of Bhante Sujato made by ReadingFaithfully here.
If you are going to use the ebook edition for a daily sutta reading practice, you may want to use a checklist to keep track and have a physical reminder of what you have read. You can download checklists here.
And of course you can read it on-line at SuttaCentral.net.
Other free ebook versions of the Udāna:
- Exalted Utterances – Udāna (KN 3), Translated by Ānandajoti Bhikkhu Download from ancient-buddhist-texts.net in English or Pāḷi and English
- Udana: Exclamations, translated by Thanissaro Bhikkhu. (revised Jan. 17, 2017). Complete Translation. Print copies available free from Metta Forest Monastery. Download E-books from DhammaTalks.org.
Commercial Ebooks
- The Udana and the Itivuttaka by John D Ireland from Pariyatti.org