In 2023 SuttaCentral.net started offering a variety of formats of their translations for download as well as print on demand. To get these translations, please visit the Anguttara Nikaya Editions page on their website. For now they do not offer Pali-English as ebooks, so please make use of the editions below.
You may be familiar with an earlier translation by Bhikkhu Bodhi under the title Numerical Discourses.
Another way to read many of these suttas is by using Bhikkhu Bodhi’s Thematic Guide to the Aṅguttara Nikāya linked to Bhikkhu Sujato’s translations.
This edition comes from the March 2023 version of the SuttaCentral.net website.
These editions are from 13 November 2019
If you are going to use the ebook edition for a daily sutta reading practice, you may want to use a checklist to keep track and have a physical reminder of what you have read. You can download checklists here.
And of course you can read it on-line at SuttaCentral.net.
- Digha Nikaya translated by Bhikkhu Sujato—Free Epub, Kindle, PDF
- Majjhima Nikaya translated by Bhikkhu Sujato—Free Epub, Kindle, PDF
- Samyutta Nikaya translated by Bhikkhu Sujato—Free Epub, Kindle, PDF
- Selections from the Numerical Discourses: Free Kindle, Epub, Mobi, PDF, docx, html
- Simple Chart of the Sutta Pitaka
- Make a Sutta Reading Practice Plan