In 2023 SuttaCentral.net started offering a variety of formats of their translations for download as well as print on demand. To get these translations, please visit the Sutta Nipāta Editions page on their website. For now they do not offer Pali-English as ebooks, so please make use of the editions below.
The Sutta Nipāta is a collection of 81 suttas, all of which contain verses, some exclusively. Some of the most famous are the Karanīyametta, Maṅgala, and Ratana Suttas.
Although it may not be ideal for a first time sutta reader, it is a very good collection to read as a one-sutta-per-day practice.
The editions below were created from the March 2023 edition of the website.
English Only
The books below were created from the edition found on the website in spring of 2022.
If you are going to use the ebook edition for a daily sutta reading practice, you may want to use a checklist to keep track and have a physical reminder of what you have read. You can download checklists here.
And of course you can read it on-line at SuttaCentral.net.
Other Free Ebooks of Sutta Nipāta:
- 1881 edition by Viggo Fausböll available here.
- Sutta Nipata: The Discourse Group, by Ajahn Thansissaro. (Available in print from Metta Forest Monastery and download online.)
Paid Ebook version:
- The Suttanipata: An Ancient Collection of the Buddha’s Discourses Together with Its Commentaries, by Bhikkhu Bodhi from Wisdom Publications in both print and ebook form.
Print Only:
- The Rhinoceros Horn and Other Early Buddhist Poems (Sutta Nipāta), translated by K. R. Norman, with alternative translations by I. B. Horner and Ven. Walapola Rahula, Pali Text Society. Paperback edition available. Complete text.